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Startup Business Management Live Class


Startup Business Management Live Class


There are so many websites out there that have not considered the overall usability of their visually impaired users. When it comes to designing better links and sending better emails, Slava Shestopalov has a few tips on how to improve your websites experience while accessibility in mind.


  • Exercise
  • Case Study
  • Role Play / Simulation
  • Lecture Discussion and
  • Sharing / Participatory

Contents of Class:

  • • HR Audit: Concept
  • • Objectives and Purpose of Audit
  • • Principles of Effective HR Auditing
  • • Principles of Effective HR Auditing
  • • Knowledge, Skills and Attitude of an HR Auditor
  • • Tasks of an HR Auditor
  • • Types of HR Audit
  • • HR Audit Tools
  • • Steps/ Stages of HR Audit
  • • Techniques of Auditing
  • • Method of HR Audit
  • • Documents for HR Audit
  • • HR Audit Check List
  • • Specific Task during HR Audit
  • • HR Audit Report Preparation